EC2 is a primary web service component of AWS that provide resizable compute power.
Instance type families:
C4 compute
I2 I/O
G2 GPU instances
AMI (Amazon Machines Image)
It’s an operating system image , that might or might not be customised this is installed on EC2 Instance
Linux AMI
Windows AMI
AMI’s for Deep Learning
Based on X86 arch OS
Four Sources for finding AMI on AWS
Published by AWS
From Marketplace on AWS
Generated from Existing Instances
Upload virtual servers (virtual machine, etc)
Securely using an Instance (Once launched it can be accessed over the internet)
Aws provides a DNS name to the EC2 instance
User can’t change this on its own
Can’t be transfer from one instance to another
Public IP
AWS asign a public IP address to the Instance
This Ip is assigned from the reserved addresses from AWS
Elastic IP
Its an address that we reserve independently and associate it with our EC2 Instance
It persists until user releases it
It can be transferred on the time of failure of the instance
Initial Access of Launched EC2
AWS provides a key-pair, public key is provided to the user and private key is held by AWS
Virtual Firewall Protection
Using Security groups
Security Groups for EC2 will give the control on outgoing traffic
For VPC is controls outgoing/Incoming traffic
Instance can have more than one security groups attached
Instance must attach to one security group
Default is Deny
Port : allowing connection on specific port, for HTTP it’s 80.
Protocol: HTTP
Source/Destination : Identifies other end of the communication
CIDR block: x.x.x.x/x, It will allow specific range of IP
Security Group: Includes any instance the is associates with given group. Helps Preventing coupling od security coups associated with IP addresses. (I did not understand the meaning of this.)
Applied at Instance level (better for security purposes)
Life Cycle of Instance
Bootstrapping: Pre-configuration of machine and install software on the fly
The bootstrap script is stored with the string value “User Data”.
Can also import VM machine into EC2
Tags are available for tagging EC2, easy to grouping when you have large number of EC2
Keys, values pair to store Tags
Project : RecSys
Development : Production
Billing Code : 110011
Monitoring EC2
CloudWatch service
Pricing Options
On-Demand Instances
Per hour Pricing
EBS (Elastic Block Storage)
AWS provides a persistent block-level storage volumes
Protects from component failure, high availability and durability
Can be attached to one Instance at a time
Data replicated within same region for fault tolerance
Lowest performance, lower price,
Range form 1 GB to 1 TB
100 average IOPS, can Burst upto 100s
Bill based on data space provisioned
General purpose SSD
Used where high performance is not required.
If IOPS are not used then they are stored as a IO credit and can be used when you need heavy lifting which can
Provisioned IOPS SSD
For I/O intensive workloads
20,000 IOPS
EBS-Optimised Instances
Better optimised
You pay additional per hour price
Data Protection
Backups/Recovery (Snapshot)
- On EBS backups can be done by taking snapshots we can put a scheduler for regular backups and save them to S3
- Only changes in the snapshot what we pay for
- We can’t use them as like our S3 buckets but we can use them to restore data
- We can create volume from snapshots. Data is loaded lazily.
- EBS persists after the instance termination so the data is stored in root volume and can be used with other instance
- If instance set on termination on deletion then data on EBS will be lost
- EBS can be encrypted using AWS key Management and it’s transparent